I had been under pressure for some time to consider Flip cameras, but a few of their shortcomings kept nagging me. Finally, with the release of Kodak's Zi8 pocket camcorder (I call it a "Flip-style camcorder"), I felt comfortable taking the plunge.
According to this Kodak Zi8 review from Wired.com: "...Kodak's line of pocket handicams now officially blows Pure Digital's wildly popular Flip series out of the water" and I completely agree.
There are plenty of reviews scattered around the web for both the Kodak and Flip series cameras, so I won't go into a full review, but in my mind, the Zi8 currently has 3 distinct advantages over the Flip camera:
1. External storage. The Flip series cameras currently only have internal storage, so if you are sharing the cameras among multiple students or classes, students may have access to other students' projects if you aren't able to download the video to hard drive right away. With external storage, each student or group can be assigned their own memory card. Note that there is NO internal storage, and the camera does not come with a card, so you must buy at least one card right away.
2. Image stabilization. Flip cameras currently have none. When you pan the camera around, the image is very disjointed. The image stabilization in the Kodak is not quite as good as what I've seen in more expensive cameras, but it's a good start. Using a good tripod will also help in creating more professional-looking projects.
3. Microphone jack. Truth be told, I haven't tried mine yet. But it's nice to know we can send folks out with a separate microphone for better sound quality. Since this camera does not have any optical zoom (not unlike most other pocket camcorders including the Flip series), you'll want to stay closer to your subject than you perhaps did with handheld camcorders with wide-ranging optical zooms, so the sound will perhaps be clearer anyway.
What's missing:
- No lens cap (though it doesn't appear that the Flip cameras have this either)
- No optical zoom (again, I don't think any pocket camcorders have this - it's missing on purpose so they can make the camera so small)
- No headphone jack. Probably not needed in most educational settings, but the Flip series cameras do have headphone jacks.
It comes with:
- AC adapter
- HDMI cable
- Mono composite AV cable
- SD-HC memory cards (we picked up 4GB cards for about $15)
- Tripod
- Spare batteries (like many devices, the batteries are specialized. I'm waiting until Ultralast makes compatible batteries)
- Silicon sleeve for extra protection, about $17
- Carry case (I just reused the cases from all the old Sony Mavicas that I finally recycled)
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