Thursday, July 15, 2010

$8900 Speaker Wire

Does expensive audio cable make a difference in sound quality? I have never had the spare cash laying around to pick up a set of Monster cables, so I've always avoided them. Turns out, there's a good reason. As far as I can see, there has never been a double-blind listening test that has determined a marked preference between 2 cables of equal gauge.

Here's a great site that goes into speaker wire in depth: Speaker Wire: A History by Roger Russell. It's been around for a while, it looks a little quaint, but well worth the read.

Among the highlights:
  • A great table detailing the maximum wire lengths for two-conductor copper wire
  • Gordon Gow's Speaker Wire Listening Test
  • and this gem: a 6-foot pair of $8900 speaker wires from Audioquest.
Performing a quick web search on Audioquest Everest produces a number of great articles ridiculing the company. In Audioquest's defense, that pricing is from a few years ago. I tried looking up current pricing, but their PDF of MSRP's is horribly broken.

However, not as many articles seem to question Monster brand cables. In my opinion, you're wasting your money either way. One good one I did manage to find: Do Coat Hangers Sound As Good Monster Cables? 

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